SIMPLE = T / Standard FITS format BITPIX = 8 / Character data NAXIS = 1 / Text string NAXIS1 = 21063 / Number of characters VOTMETA = T / Table metadata in VOTable format EXTEND = T / There are standard extensions COMMENT COMMENT The data in this primary HDU consists of bytes which COMMENT comprise a VOTABLE document. COMMENT The VOTable describes the metadata of the table contained COMMENT in the following BINTABLE extension. COMMENT Such a BINTABLE extension can be used on its own as a perfectly COMMENT good table, but the information from this HDU may provide some COMMENT useful additional metadata. COMMENT There is one following BINTABLE. NTABLE = 1 / Number of following BINTABLE HDUs END file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)Catalogue designation in CDS nomenclatureTable name in METAtab................................byte#0...............................byte#13..............................byte#17................................byte#21................................byte#22................................byte#23................................byte#31................................byte#33................................byte#39................................byte#42................................byte#86................................byte#100Catalogue designation in CDS nomenclatureTable name in METAtab................................byte#0................................byte#13................................byte#17................................byte#21................................byte#27................................byte#33...............................byte#36..............................byte#40FITS COMMENT card valuesUCD for Flux1000[MeV][MeV]UCD for Unc_Flux1000[MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV]UCD for Flux100_300UCD for Unc_Flux100_300UCD for nuFnu100_300UCD for Flux300_1000UCD for Unc_Flux300_1000UCD for nuFnu300_1000UCD for Flux1000_3000UCD for Unc_Flux1000_3000UCD for nuFnu1000_3000UCD for Flux3000_10000UCD for Unc_Flux3000_10000UCD for nuFnu3000_10000UCD for Flux10000_100000UCD for Unc_Flux10000_100000UCD for nuFnu10000_100000[MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV]Frac. part of MJD of SC clock startHDU checksum updated 2015-05-16T17:27:07data unit checksum updated 2015-05-16T17:27:07FITS HISTORY card values[MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV][MeV]Type of match which created this tableMatching algorithm which created this tableDetermines which rows appear in output table Zeta value attributed to the source by the classifier Zeta value attributed to the source by the classifier Associated as a blazar candidate by the corresponding study Associated as a blazar candidate by the corresponding study Associated as a blazar candidate by the corresponding study Associated as a blazar candidate by the corresponding study Associated as a blazar candidate by the corresponding study
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional table NAXIS1 = 110 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 72 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group TFIELDS = 17 / number of columns EXTNAME = 'Joined ' / table name TTYPE1 = 'Source_Name' / label for column 1 TFORM1 = '12A ' / format for column 1 TTYPE2 = 'GLON ' / label for column 2 TFORM2 = 'D ' / format for column 2 TTYPE3 = 'GLAT ' / label for column 3 TFORM3 = 'D ' / format for column 3 TTYPE4 = 'NormalizedCurvature' / label for column 4 TFORM4 = 'D ' / format for column 4 TTYPE5 = 'NormalizedVariability' / label for column 5 TFORM5 = 'D ' / format for column 5 TTYPE6 = 'HR23 ' / label for column 6 TFORM6 = 'D ' / format for column 6 TTYPE7 = 'HR34 ' / label for column 7 TFORM7 = 'D ' / format for column 7 TTYPE8 = 'Curvature' / label for column 8 TFORM8 = 'D ' / format for column 8 TTYPE9 = 'Lambda ' / label for column 9 TFORM9 = 'D ' / format for column 9 TTYPE10 = 'zeta_BDT' / label for column 10 TFORM10 = 'D ' / format for column 10 TCOMM10 = 'Zeta value attributed to the source by the classifier' TTYPE11 = 'zeta_MLP' / label for column 11 TFORM11 = 'D ' / format for column 11 TCOMM11 = 'Zeta value attributed to the source by the classifier' TTYPE12 = 'BlazarType' / label for column 12 TFORM12 = '4A ' / format for column 12 TTYPE13 = 'Saz_Parkinson_2016' / label for column 13 TFORM13 = '3A ' / format for column 13 TCOMM13 = 'Associated as a blazar candidate by the corresponding study' TTYPE14 = 'Mirabal_2012' / label for column 14 TFORM14 = '2A ' / format for column 14 TCOMM14 = 'Associated as a blazar candidate by the corresponding study' TTYPE15 = 'Ackermann_2012' / label for column 15 TFORM15 = '3A ' / format for column 15 TCOMM15 = 'Associated as a blazar candidate by the corresponding study' TTYPE16 = 'Massaro_2013' / label for column 16 TFORM16 = '3A ' / format for column 16 TCOMM16 = 'Associated as a blazar candidate by the corresponding study' TTYPE17 = 'Doert_2014' / label for column 17 TFORM17 = '3A ' / format for column 17 TCOMM17 = 'Associated as a blazar candidate by the corresponding study' DATE-HDU= '2017-02-17T16:45:03' / Date of HDU creation (UTC) STILVERS= '3.1 ' / Version of STIL software STILCLAS= '' / Author class in STIL soEND J0127.4+5433@`3 D.3??U1b 9\/>?7?? ]?‡fsrqyesnono no no J0127.5+5634@_ c;S?;e;#?:mj mOM$oF??=$?󧣃xfsrqyesnono no no J0133.3+5930@`pg0ד?jh1cFb?6bZ -~??Jnb?ZD"bll yesnono no no J0233.0+6237@`8@(`@a?r?fl$u ?MNR??8nTn?7+0|fsrqyesnono yesyesJ0248.4+5130@a@ Ht^M?Z~ ܎o?tϴ_lh.??ON?̈tbll yesnoyesno yesJ0348.1+4431@c!D@po?\Z Ž. L]?M)t0??*:s?|bll yesnono no no J0348.4+6039@a @Ѐp3 ?1 ux7ͥV?5Q9Pꅠ??s6rr?쉺PBbll yesnono no no J0423.5+5442@bϕ@@ CmC?K s ?~,uYx??<a?cVlZfsrqno nono no no J0526.4+2247@f@o??,G(ž<ֿ=erj?+v瘛??П?Bޡunc yesnono no yesJ0538.9+1646@g& V?J&&? Kg5?ŗxi???~mLz?Wɼ7 bll yesnono no no J0540.0+1208@h7@#U gy?e)87k?7B"lB??i?攀bll yesnono no no J0559.8+3042@f!@ ~ ?9?}0vq ??߄j?6جunc yesnono no no J0731.8-3010@n 9tr?`H?[Uf?6Fc?(t ??`??es.bll yesnono no no J0747.4-0734@lF`@!ЀN),?;շ?晸0u:?Kv-??4W12+?V{>bll yesnono no no J0823.6-4838@pI `հ[Ne?QqE1T5ٜ;??ۺHRd)l?Tsz\fsrqyesnono no no J0830.5-4452@pl΀ Nb/4?>u~5?I?檖ɽ?Ҁ??Sj?'ةbll no nono no no J0834.5-4825@pJ@V睩 -*?tyʢhsZh ?.EԿַ??+I#?u4fsrqyesnono no no J0928.3-5255@q1M`tڀڌWʦ?˃+RM?S$3PX??=Yi?Y^Ŕdbll yesnono no no J1024.4-4545@q]@#wMW?j=ۡ]&V?NMY&L??(| ?bll yesnono no no J1025.9-5930@q֍i/t?쩱U _tGl mT?qvys??2s?wbll yesnono no no J1033.4-5035@q@ U Qwi ?SQ?z;?}y7?LN??gAw1?8UZbll yesnoyesno yesJ1048.8-5006@qQ`@ < R? h?{a޿d}?Tbf??䕘?70unc yesnono no no J1142.1-6941@r`}/Nf ?{`[7$!5ah*տV7΋??`$?G5ׅ߬fsrqyesnono no no J1240.3-7149@r@!7l?-SU?Gc;|d~??%?Cbll yesnoyesno no J1311.8-6230@s?W8Z?MyHzx囓oƭF"3??&u?簀['unc no nono no no J1316.2-6446@s/@3 "2x?Qm?c[~H?I?? ?w)@fsrqyesnono no no J1335.1-5655@sNS@֠卽1?KZ㊿t}1?ݰʿԴT??,Lb?+Xunc yesnono no yesJ1348.5-7150@s6t"%R O?20"??zVK?7Kbll yesnono no yesJ1533.8-5231@td@@` ?쨷 ?5"p?H%4???C!dr4bll yesnono no no J1545.0-6641@s "8YK?PB Ѳ;?޴fQĿ*ާX??  ?ZB=nbll yesnono no no J1620.8-5149@tø @_:y?8rv礝:?y03!1)??s?/bll yesnono no no J1626.2-4911@trq#b?@޺]Nm W׷{hPڧ??h*,?o(bll no noyesno no J1630.3-6126@tcG`!_Ks?ցT!Xm??˔Y?t40fsrqyesnono no no J1640.6-4917@u@XU2r^?H„eE,̌kdzˡ>MV??(K.|Q?Z&D?+S?֪q3KxJ??;0_?ڤbll no nono no no J1657.6-4653@u>t``MFU?j?FV}°7[?UVJ??uL?>Ф8bll no nono no no J1714.6-3327@v 9@Q] A?ӧYt}?LտBg4"??H~??$Tunc no nono no no J1715.4-4028@uvA嘺 ?&v`i?‡ur?1?$HV??`?<<=@bll yesnono no no J1721.4-5253@u@"4!?6>:W?.e\䆎?╻]??/.A r?7 pfsrqno nono no no J1732.4-2709@v@ 8` rh?`S^?5<7:CA??A7b? *bll no nono no yesJ1740.8-1933@@@Nk`ƍ#]?oP5ȿՉ7AL Ln??QA\@?&Bbunc yesnono no no J1747.0-3506@v.` |_/?M/; &Ҽ2>տ3s]:?? ?e;fsrqno nono yesno J1800.0-2955? *ƶ?2ЈGfቧ6 q?ǽ,`??pdV?|Kzfsrqno nono no yesJ1816.2-2726@S`oh?/;F ? O;XM??Y3'oq~?9vunc no nono no no J1830.7-1630@/Ҭ=-6O?eUp*q1fĉj?Uh??qj?ޓR0bll no nono no yesJ1837.3-2403@#<`0c3G?fI?eX6? 8??_87?